Sunday, 22 March 2009

From Ok to Awful

Well today was the day I had waited for, so after a sleepless night (and fourteen hour journey yesterday) I was up at 6am, grabbed a piece of toast, sip of tea and then down to the airfield at 7am for the start of our training. I never knew how difficult keeping a piece of fabric in the air could be and Alan, my instructor, showed the patience of a saint as I repeatedly sent his £2,500 wing crashing into the ground. Still, I managed a few good launches and even at one point was lifted a whole inch off of the ground as I ran along with the wing above me.

Unfortunately this afternoon wasn't so good as a migraine inducing headache put paid to any great concentration, as did a fairly strong gusting wind. I spent ten minutes trying to tame a small practice wing, but by then any concentration I had had long since gone and I was sent back to the house to grab a bit of sleep and shower before the rest of the gang turned up.

Hopefully tomorrow will see some improvement and my aim for this week remains the same - to be able to safely ground handle a wing. No thoughts of actually taking to the air as that will have to wait for another time

1 comment:

  1. Hey Neil... Day 1 and I'm jealous - reading tomorrow next....
